

The rookie, and the vet.

Explorer of Portland.

Story telling and design for brands, people and fun.


Dylan Nemione


‘Oregonian' by day, ‘Las Vegan’ by night, and 'Clevelander’ at heart.

I design my own clothes out of thrift store finds. Obsessed with ‘Netflix Originals’ cartoons. Wanna-be stand-up comedian. I’ll take an In-N-Out burger over prime rib any day. Sports fanatic: Go Browns! Go Indians! Sco Ducks! Hair bands and hip-hop inspire me.

Moving across the country (twice) allowed me to appreciate the loyalty of my hometown, the diversity of ‘Sin City’ and having to be productive even when it’s raining outside in Eugene.

Currently exploring Portland on the weekends with my six month old pup, Bronny.